Eastern Water Dragons
Eastern Water dragons

In captivity will eat most things from a very young age. Generally they like crickets, woodies, worms and meal worms and anything else that crawls around. They will eat most vegies (cut up), they love yellow garden dandelions but ensure no pesticides have been sprayed on the weed. They will also eat young yabbies and feeder fish in their water source. All insects should be dusted with a multivitamin and calcium supplement.

Eastern Water dragons are semi-aquatic. They can be found near creeks, rivers, lakes and other water bodies that have basking sites such as overhanging branches or rocks in open or filtered sun.

EWD are known for nose rubbing in wire cages, avoid these. Ensure they have access to natural sunlight (best) or a UVAB light source and a large deep water source, Temps should be kept at 32-36 degrees under the basking lamp, a gradient should be created in inside enclosures.

Our 2014/15 season